Monday, November 23, 2009

Thanksgiving week

This week is the week of Thanksgiving. I have many things I am thankful for. In this blog post I want to share a few of the things.

1. Great books that authors and the school provide for me and my friends.

2. My good friends - Audra, Riley, Hannah O., Hannah E., Hannah and Lauren (my sisters), Bradley, and Austin all support me and help me out.

3. My teacher, Mrs. Poteet - She's a great teacher, she respects all her students, does everything fun in her class, and always hugs us at the end of the day.

Everything I put on this blog post is something very special to me. I am thankful to God for loving me enough to provide all of these wonderful things.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Uncle Hink

Uncle Hink is very special to me but we don't get to get to see each other because he lives in California. Sometimes he and Aunt Lynn come to my Granny's house and we go up there and we get to talk to them and see what is going on in California. It's cool to know what is going on in California and learning about it.Here are some pictures of my uncle, one of him now and one of him when he was a baby!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Lauren and Dad

Lauren and Daddy are in Africa and have been since last Thursday. They are having a great time there and are building a church. They love everything but their food. My sister told me on the phone that it's pretty cool over there to see how lucky we are since we live in America. But she said she feels so sorry for the little kids to see them just play and love all the toys that she gave them. Just giving you information about their trip to Ghana. More later!

Friday, July 17, 2009

Mrs. Thompson and me


Mrs.Thompson is my music teacher. She teaches me so many fun and funny songs and she let us have a musical. Also all the other grades got to have a musical too. She has a great voice and is so nice to all the kids. She has and will be my favorite teacher ever.
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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Lauren has been in Gods house

This week my sister, Lauren went to Camp Gamp which is church camp with the 3rd - 6th grade. I bet she is having so much fun there. If all of you could keep my sister in prayers that would be great!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Goals This Summer

I have goals to try to accomplish this summer. They all are great things to do.(not any games, but things that are educational and athletic.) My mom is a computer teacher and she gets me on very good websites.
My goals are:
1. Write four blog posts a week
2. Run 2,3,or 4 miles a day(I got 2nd place on a 3 mile run at a race at the Fox Fest in May)
3. Read 4 chapter books
4. Cook a meal with no help from my family, and
5. Type 20 wpm at the end of the
These are my goals for the summer. I know I will accomplish them.

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Basketball and Volleyball Camp

Volleyball!Image by Matthew Cachia via Flickr

This week at camp we had so much fun. We got to play games of basketball and volleyball against each other. We had competitions to see who could get the most points and earn prizes. My coaches were Ryleigh, Abby, and Chelsea. They were great coaches and they taught me so much. On Tuesday, I got "Best Attitude" and on Wednesday, I got "Player of the Day." Camp of Champions was the best camp I've gone to EVER!

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