Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hannah at Youth Camp

My sister Hannah is at Youth Camp this week. At camp she is studying the Bible, going to worship services and playing sports with her friends. She is at Mt. Lebanon. I miss her so much and can't wait until she's home.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

No Swimming Lesson Today!

Today was supposed to be my 2nd swimming lesson at the YMCA. We just found out that it is cancelled today because the pool has a crack in it and they are fixing it. That is a BUMMER!

Me And My Buddy

Friday, July 25, 2008

2nd Grade is Cool!

School starts September 3, 2008. I am going into 2nd grade at the new elementary school. I'm sure that 2nd grade will be awesome and I know that my teacher will be a good teacher. I'm really looking forward to AR, reading, art, gifted and talented and computer class. I can't wait to see what our new school looks like.

This summer, my mom and I redecorated my bedroom. It's a classroom with bulletin boards, posters, a calendar, a whiteboard, and a cool desk that has drawers that look like lockers. I love playing school in my room.

My First Blog Post!

Today, I'm posting my first blog entry! It has been fun creating my blog. My mom and I worked on it - she taught me how because she is a technology teacher and she shows her kids how to do this!

We just got back from Galveston, College Station and we had so much fun with our family. In Galveston, we jumped waves way out in the ocean and it was very fun. After Galveston, we went to College Station for the Texas Firefighter Olympics, that my dad participated in. He was the coach of the Mesquite firefighter's team. They won the GOLD! On the way home, we stopped in Waco to see Baylor, which we always enjoy. We ate at Rudy's, got a milkshake at Health Camp (which is a family tradition!) and we went to see the bears at the Bear Pit. Below, you'll see a picture of my sisters and me in the swing at Baylor. It was all a great time.

Hope you enjoyed my first post. I can't wait for my mom to show me other neat things I can do with my blog.